Monday, December 28, 2015

theses linx

NDLTD (The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations)
Метапоисковая система. Обеспечивает поиск полнотекстовых диссертаций открытого доступа или сведений о диссертациях ограниченного доступа среди 4 млн документов.

Для самостоятельного поиска:

OATD (Open Access Theses and Dissertations)
Содержит: диссертации, дипломные работы выпускников более 1 тыс. исследовательских институтов, университетов и колледжей.
Языки: английский (1,2 млн), другие европейские, китайский.
Количество документов: 2,8 млн.
Открытый доступ к полным текстам: для всех работ.

Содержит: диссертации из библиотек Европы.
Языки: английский и другие европейские.
Количество документов: 500 тыс. работ учёных из 600 университетов 28 стран Европы.
Открытый доступ к полным текстам: для всех работ.

Содержит: диссертации и научные статьи сотрудников научно-образовательных учреждений Франции.
Языки: в основном английский и французский.
Количество документов: 1 млн.
Открытый доступ к полным текстам: для 350 тыс. работ.

CiNii Dissertations
Языки: японский, английский.
Содержит: диссертации на докторскую степень университетов и институтов Японии, библиографическую информацию по диссертациям.
Количество документов: 230 тыс. диссертаций от National Diet Library и университетов, 600 тыс. библиографических ссылок.
Открытый доступ к полным текстам: для всех работ.

Содержит: сгруппированые по университетам диссертации, научные статьи учёных из ведущих университетов Испании.
Языки: испанский и другие европейские.
Количество документов: 40 тыс.
Открытый доступ к полным текстам: для всех работ.
Содержит: докторские диссертации шведских учёных.
Языки: английский, другие европейские и восточные.
Количество документов: 54 тыс.
Открытый доступ к полным текстам: для половины работ.

PQDT Open — база данных компании ProQuest’s UMI Dissertation Publishing
Содержит: диссертации.
Языки: английский.
Количество документов: 27 тыс.
Открытый доступ к полным текстам: для всех работ. — часть проекта информационного обеспечения высшего образования при поддержке Министерства образования Франции
Содержит: диссертации, защищённые в университетах Франции.
Языки: в основном французский и английский.
Количество документов: 370 тыс.
Открытый доступ к полным текстам: для 30 тыс. работ.

Источник: сайт РГБ

Дополнение 9 ноября 2015 года от m_horn_gin:

EThOS – британские диссертации (более 400 тыс.) в открытом доступе для всех зарегистрированных пользователей. Можно также за сравнительно небольшие деньги заказать оцифровку необходимой диссертации, которая после этого будет выложена в открытый доступ

Канадские диссертации (70 университетов):

Диссертации Университета Гранады (6 тыс.):

Диссертации Университета Тулузы (2578):

Подборка диссертаций Луизианского университета:

Мексиканские диссертации:

Диссертации Университета Буэнос-Айреса (1395 pdf):

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

psychological characteristics of women seeking multiple abortions


Repeat abortion is a public health concern favored by many obstetric and social factors.

The purpose of our study was to identify associated factors to repeated abortion in the region of Monastir (Tunisia). Common mental disorders (CMD) such as anxiety and depression were also evaluated in women seeking voluntary repeated abortion.


We carried out a cross sectional study between January and April 2013 in the Reproductive Health Center (RHC) of the region of Monastir in Tunisia (This study is part of a prospective design on mental disorders and intimate partner violence among women seeking abortions in the RHC).

Among women referred to the RHC we selected those seeking voluntary abortion (medical or surgical method). Data on women’s demographic characters, knowledge and practices about contraceptive methods and abortion were collected the abortion day via a structured questionnaire. Data about anxiety and depression status were evaluated during the post-abortal control visit at 3–4 weeks following pregnancy termination.


Of the 500 interviewed women, 211 (42.2 %; CI95% [37.88 – 46.52]) were seeking repeated abortions. Multivariate analysis showed that increased age, lower level of women school education, single status, poor knowledge about birth control methods and history of conflict/abuse by a male partner, were uniquely associated with undergoing repeat compared with initial abortion.

CMD were significantly higher in women undergoing second or subsequent abortion (51.1 %) single and lower educated women. Women relating a history of conflicts/abuse report more CMD than others (30.6 % vs 20.8 %).


Health facilities providing abortion services need to pay more attention to women seeking repeat abortion. Further studies are needed to well establish the relation between the number of abortion and the occurrence and the severity of CMD.

Abortion, Induced; Aged; Contraception; Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice; Violence; Mental disorders

full txt:
Obstetric and psychological characteristics of women seeking multiple abortions in the region of Monastir (Tunisia): results of a cross-sectional design

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Prós e Contras da Contraceção Hormonal

Many benefits of the contraceptive pill are recognized in healthy women: regular cycles, without heavy bleeding, without dysmenorrhea and without premenstrual syndrome. But the contraceptive pill can be used for specific therapeutic objectives: treatment of polycystic ovaries, endometriosis, vaginal bleeding disorders and in long term acne, seborrhea, hirsutism and alopecia therapy (contraceptive pills containing ethinyl estradiol and a progestogen with antiandrogenic activity). There is still scientific evidence that the contraceptive pill reduces the risk of appearance of tumors or cysts in the ovary or endometrium.

However the contraceptive pill also has its risks. These being dependent on the dose, it is estimated that in modern low-dose oral contraceptives, they are much less frequent and intense than in the early days of their marketing, but do not fail to manifest themselves. The most common are those that lead to a decrease in physical and / or psychological well-being of women. There is also some scientific evidence that hormonal contraceptives may be involved in the onset / development of benign liver tumors as well as increased risk of gallstones. But the most serious adverse effects are cardiovascular effects: increased risk of thromboembolic disease, onset / worsening of hypertension, dyslipidaemia and glucose intolerance, and the consequent increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Finally, the literature refers that hormonal contraceptives increase the risk of developing certain cancers, especially in the cervix and breast.

As with any drug, the risk-benefit ratio must always be taken into account when prescribing one contraceptive pill, and the principle of therapeutic individualization should be based on scientific and clinical but also personal and socio-economic criteria. Also in regard to contraception we should follow evidence-based medicine: use all the scientific information and make it available to the woman so that she, in the biopsychosocial context in which it appears, can make an informed decision regarding her fertility.

Keywords: Contraception, dyslipidemias, evidence-based medicine

full txt in Portugal:
Acta Farmacêutica Portuguesa 2014, vol. 3, n. 2, pp. 113-123

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


BMJ Open 5:e006013 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-006013
  • Epidemiology

Abortion legislation, maternal healthcare, fertility, female literacy, sanitation, violence against women and maternal deaths: a natural experiment in 32 Mexican states

  1. John Thorp7,8
+Author Affiliations
  1. 1Division of EpidemiologyMELISA InstituteConcepción, Chile
  2. 2Department of Obstetrics and GynecologyDuke University Medical CenterDurham, USA
  3. 3Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Av Universidad 3000, Copilco UniversidadCiudad de México, Mexico
  4. 4Division of Public Health, Department of Family and Preventive MedicineUniversity of Utah School of MedicineSalt Lake City, USA
  5. 5Coordinación de Investigación, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad AnáhuacEstado de México, Mexico
  6. 6Department of Obstetrics and GynecologyWest Virginia UniversityMorgantown, USA
  7. 7Department of Obstetrics and GynecologyUniversity of North Carolina-Chapel HillChapel Hill, USA
  8. 8Center for Women's Health Research, University of North Carolina School of MedicineChapel Hill, USA
  1. Correspondence toDr Elard Koch;
  • Received 1 July 2014
  • Revised 28 November 2014
  • Accepted 2 December 2014
  • Published 23 February 2015


Objective To test whether there is an association between abortion legislation and maternal mortality outcomes after controlling for other factors thought to influence maternal health.
Design Population-based natural experiment.
Setting and data sources Official maternal mortality data from 32 federal states of Mexico between 2002 and 2011.
Main outcomes Maternal mortality ratio (MMR), MMR with any abortive outcome (MMRAO) and induced abortion mortality ratio (iAMR).
Independent variables Abortion legislation grouped as less (n=18) or more permissive (n=14); constitutional amendment protecting the unborn (n=17); skilled attendance at birth; all-abortion hospitalisation ratio; low birth weight rate; contraceptive use; total fertility rates (TFR); clean water; sanitation; female literacy rate and intimate-partner violence.
Main results Over the 10-year period, states with less permissive abortion legislation exhibited lower MMR (38.3 vs 49.6; p<0.001), MMRAO (2.7 vs 3.7; p<0.001) and iAMR (0.9 vs 1.7; p<0.001) than more permissive states. Multivariate regression models estimating effect sizes (β-coefficients) for mortality outcomes showed independent associations (p values between 0.001 and 0.055) with female literacy (β=−0.061 to −1.100), skilled attendance at birth (β=−0.032 to −0.427), low birth weight (β=0.149 to 2.166), all-abortion hospitalisation ratio (β=−0.566 to −0.962), clean water (β=−0.048 to −0.730), sanitation (β=−0.052 to −0.758) and intimate-partner violence (β=0.085 to 0.755). TFR showed an inverse association with MMR (β=−14.329) and MMRAO (β=−1.750) and a direct association with iAMR (β=1.383). Altogether, these factors accounted for (R2) 51–88% of the variance among states in overall mortality rates. No statistically independent effect was observed for abortion legislation, constitutional amendment or other covariates.
Conclusions Although less permissive states exhibited consistently lower maternal mortality rates, this finding was not explained by abortion legislation itself. Rather, these differences were explained by other independent factors, which appeared to have a more favourable distribution in these states.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

rhm call 4 papers

RHM call 4 papers

Examples of topics that can be addressed in this issue are:
  • Sex and sexual rights: consent, agency, responsibility and bodily integrity 
  • Intersection of gender identity, sexuality, sexual health and sexual rights
  • Sexual coercion, torture, violence and discrimination: effective responses
  • Who owns your body: forced marriage, FGM, trafficking
  • The role of information, education, attitude and services in realising sexual rights 
  • Consensual sexual behaviours and practices: the role of law and policy
  • Diverse relationship structures: legal and social recognition
  • The politics of sexual pleasure 
  • What is promiscuity and what is wrong with it?

age at experiencing a partner violence

Just decided to do something on violence, and found it in yet another blog ;)
There are more on that topic
Yesterday spent an evening browsing JStor

Saturday, January 17, 2015

the second RLMSE-HSE Users conference

just arrived:

Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the second RLMSE-HSE Users conference under the umbrella of Higher School of Economics, Moscow. We invite all scholars interested in meeting other RLMS users, discussing an array of issues related to the present and future dimensions of the RLMS, and any related issue, to submit abstracts and attend this meeting.
The attached document provides more detailed information on the meeting. Please share this document with interested colleagues in case we don't have their email addresses.
Sincerely yours,
Polina Kozyreva, Barry Popkin, Mikhail Kosolapov